We teach people how to become real estate investors and create financial freedom

Why We’re So Successful

What makes us different is that we are focused on not only education but most importantly, execution. We are not just here for the transfer of information—we are here for your transformation. The Multifamily Movement is not just a course—it is a community. This community along with coaching and our network of certified multifmaily agents helps our members close on their first multifamily home faster, the best mortgage terms, more upfront equity and cashflow.


We have action-oriented real estate courses for beginners and advanced investors can cover house hacking, the BRRRR strategy, new construction, rehabs, and commercial real estate.


We have coaches, accountability partmers, and market meetups to support you on your journey to closing on your next property.


Our real estate community consists of renters looking to own, single family buyers looking to invest, real estate agents, and lenders.


We certify real estate agents in multifamily investing and deal analysis so that you are being sent real estate deals, not just real estate listings.

See how our students are finding success in real estate

To date, we have helped over 300 students close on over $85 million dollars worth of multifamily real estate. Despite rising real estate prices, increases in interest rates, low credit scores, low income, and low savings, we teach strategies that allow almost anyone to succeed in real estate investing.

Our History

After buying his first triplex in Brooklyn, New York in 2013 and immediately achieving rent and mortgage freedom forever, he kept investing from a distance in New Orleans and Oakland. As his personal portfolio began to grow, people kept asking him how he was finding deals and that led to the birth of The Multifamily Movement in July of 2019. Inspired by Harriet Tubman, Jullien set out to help 300 people buy their first multifamily home, since that is how many people she freed over the course of a decade by making 19 trips below the Mason Dixon Line. Harriet Tubman was the #1 conductor on the Underground Railroad and we are the leader on the Above Ground Road which is multifamily real estate as we seek to help people achieve rent and mortgage freedom.


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Anthony Kimble

Commercial Real Estate

Tevin Wade

Construction & Rehabs

Matthew Garland

Mortgage Broker

Brandy Sams

Mortgage Broker

Karena Simon

Credit Expert

Natasha Verela

Tax Strategist