Liberal Arts Education Will Cost You. Liberation Arts Education Will Free You

The Multifamily Masterplan

12-week course with 2 years of coaching and support to help you close in your first multifamily real estate deal. You will learn how to finance, find, and finalize great deals nationwide. We connect you with the best lenders, real estate agents, and investors in your market.

Rich And Righteous book

Before you acquire physical real estate you have to get your mental real estate right. Mindset has stopped millions from making millions. Rich And Righteous: spiritual secrets to mastering money, manifestation, and your mind will show you why abundance is your birthright and how to bring Heaven, your mental experience of life, on Earth, your material experience of life.

How To Buy The Block

When you are ready to scale your real estate portfolio, join our How To Buy The Block program which teaches the BRRRRR strategy, rehabs, new construction, and commercial real estate. This program will help you go from one property to an entire portfolio.

Real Estate Agent Multifamily Certification

Cash-on-cash return is the most important number in real estate investing, yet it is not on the real estate exam. Most real estate agents are in the business of selling single family homes to American Dreamers and don’t understand multifamily real estate investing. This certification program helps real estate agents build their own personal portfolio and service investors better. Once certified, you also get to serve our students in your market and benefit from the commissions due to your new knowledge and expertise.